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Data from Cloud Storage Object

What is "Data from Cloud Storage Object" ?

The MITRE ATT&CK framework categorizes "Data from Cloud Storage Object" under the Tactic "Collection" with the Technique ID T1530. This technique pertains to the adversary's actions aimed at collecting data stored in cloud storage services. These services, such as Amazon S3 buckets, Azure Blob Storage, or Google Cloud Storage, are used by organizations to store vast amounts of data ranging from backups and large datasets to user uploads and static content for web applications.

How: Techniques and Execution Methods

Adversaries may access cloud storage objects by exploiting misconfigured permissions or using stolen credentials. The typical methods include:

  1. Misconfiguration Exploitation: Many cloud storage objects are improperly configured to allow public or unauthorized access. Adversaries can scan for such misconfigured buckets using tools like AWS CLI, gsutil for Google Cloud, or Azure CLI.
  2. Credential Theft: Adversaries might steal credentials through phishing attacks or by accessing improperly secured configuration files that contain API keys or tokens stored on servers or in source code repositories.

  3. Access via Compromised Applications: If an application that interacts with cloud storage is compromised, an adversary can leverage this access to read data directly from the storage objects.

  4. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS): In web applications that integrate with cloud storage, XSS can be used to hijack user sessions and perform unauthorized actions on cloud storage objects.

  5. API Abuse: Adversaries may abuse the APIs provided by cloud providers to interact with cloud storage objects if they have obtained API keys or tokens.

Where: Attack Surfaces

This technique is predominantly observed in environments where organizations utilize cloud-based infrastructure for storing data. It is applicable across various platforms including but not limited to:

  • Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • Microsoft Azure
  • Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
  • Other providers that offer similar object storage solutions

Why: Motivations Behind Attacks

Adversaries target data in cloud storage objects for several reasons:

  1. Data Exfiltration: To steal sensitive information such as personal data, intellectual property, or financial records which can be used for further attacks like identity theft, competitive advantage, or ransom demands.
  2. Espionage: To gather intelligence on business operations or government activities which could be beneficial for state-sponsored actors.
  3. Sabotage: To alter or delete critical data which can disrupt operations and cause financial and reputational damage to the organization.
  4. Ransomware Attacks: After exfiltrating sensitive data, adversaries might encrypt the original data left in the cloud storage and demand a ransom.

Understanding this technique helps cybersecurity professionals implement better security practices around their cloud environments such as enforcing strong access controls, regularly auditing permissions and configurations, implementing robust authentication mechanisms like Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), and educating employees about phishing and other types of social engineering attacks.