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Event: code_modification_through_procfs

Quick Explanation

The code_modification_through_procfs recipe detects code modification made through the proc filesystem, a technique frequently used in defense evasion and malicious activities. This method enables attackers to inject malicious code into running processes without being detected by conventional monitoring systems, potentially leading to privilege escalation and persistent access. If such vulnerabilities are introduced during CI/CD processes and merged into production, they could allow attackers to bypass security controls and perform unauthorized actions, risking data breaches and infrastructure compromise.

More Information


  1. Description: Code modification through procfs
  2. Category: Defense Evasion
  3. Method: Impair Defenses
  4. Importance: High

Analysis of the Event

This event is triggered by attempts to modify code through direct access to process memory via the /proc filesystem, a common technique used in defense evasion and malicious activities aimed at persisting unauthorized changes or functionalities within a system. The /proc filesystem in Linux is a pseudo-filesystem that provides an interface to kernel data structures, typically used for obtaining information about the system and its processes. Modifying process memory through this interface can allow attackers to inject malicious code into running processes without being detected by conventional file integrity monitoring systems.

The detection leverages eBPF technology to monitor access patterns that match attempts to write to memory areas of processes via paths like /proc/[pid]/mem. This activity is indicative of process injection methods, where an attacker might be trying to execute arbitrary code with the privileges of another running process. Such techniques are often employed in sophisticated malware attacks and can lead to privilege escalation, persistent access, or further exploitation within the target environment.

Implications for the CI/CD Pipeline

The detection of such an event during a CI/CD pipeline run indicates that recent changes could unintentionally or maliciously introduce vulnerabilities that allow runtime manipulation of processes. If such code were merged into production, it could provide attackers with a method to bypass security controls and perform unauthorized actions, potentially leading to data breaches, service disruption, or further compromise of the infrastructure. This underscores the necessity for thorough security review and testing of code changes in development stages before deployment.

To mitigate risks associated with this detection, follow these steps:

  1. Review Recent Changes: Examine pull requests and code changes that were part of the build when this detection occurred. Focus on modifications involving interaction with the /proc filesystem.
  2. Static Code Analysis: Utilize static analysis tools to detect potentially unsafe code patterns that interact with system-level files or perform unusual memory operations.
  3. Dynamic Analysis: Implement dynamic analysis tools in your staging environment to detect abnormal behaviors like unauthorized memory modifications during runtime.
  4. Enhance Monitoring: Increase monitoring capabilities around access and modification of critical system files and directories, especially /proc.
  5. Security Training: Educate developers about secure coding practices related to handling system resources and memory operations.
  6. Audit External Libraries/Dependencies: Ensure that all external libraries or dependencies introduced into your project are reviewed for security vulnerabilities and do not perform any unauthorized file or memory operations.

By following these steps, you can help safeguard your CI/CD pipeline from introducing vulnerabilities that could be exploited using techniques similar to those detected by Jibril.