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Run Jibril Using Command Line Arguments

Command Line

A quick way to run Jibril is to provide all the necessary flags in the command line.

For example:

sudo -E jibril --log-level info --extension example --plugin example:helloworld --extension config --extension data --extension jibril --plugin jibril:hold --printer jibril:printers:stdout --printer jibril:printers:varlog

Despite not very useful, this command runs the loader (binary named jibril), enables the example, config, data and jibril extensions, the helloworld plugin from the example extension, the hold plugin from the jibril extension, and the datakeeper and varlog printers from the jibril extension.

More information about each extension and their plugins in the components section.

Pick a Plugin and an Event

Execute Jibril and pick just a few plugins and events.


sudo -E jibril --log-level info --extension config --extension data --extension jibril --plugin jibril:detect --event jibril:detect:net_sniff_tool_exec --printer jibril:printers:stdout

This command runs the loader (binary named jibril), enables the config, data and jibril extensions, the detect plugin from the jibril extension, the net_sniff_tool_exec event from the detect plugin, and the stdout printer from the jibril extension.

In other words:
Jibril will detect the execution of network sniffers and print the events to the stdout.